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How Early Can You Plant Grass Seed?

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February 21, 2023 at 3:55:27 PM PST February 21, 2023 at 3:55:27 PM PSTst, February 21, 2023 at 3:55:27 PM PST


If you’re looking to get ahead on planting grass seed, keep in mind that you still need the help of Mother Nature. So, what conditions and temperature does grass seed germinate in? For your grass seed to thrive, it requires the right amount of warmth and moisture. This is why it’s typically recommended to seed in the fall.


If you are seeding in the spring, know that it will take slightly longer for the seeds to germinate. Ideally you need two weeks of continuous daily temperatures that sit between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. This should allow the soil to reach a temperature of 10 to 18 degrees Celsius.



When’s the Best Time to Plant Grass Seed?

The best time to plant grass seed really depends on what part of Canada you live in and environmental conditions. If you’re in Ontario then the best time would be between late summer to early fall. However, to be sure pick up a metal thermometer and insert it into the ground approximately 7-10 centimeters. Do this for a few days for consistency and ensure no cold spells are on the way.


If planting indoors, you still need to use high quality soil that is the proper temperature as well. Leave the bags of soil somewhere in the house so they can warm up to the temperature that they need to be before planting anything.



Different Grass Seeds for Various Weather

Depending on the temperature, different grasses work better in various environments, and you’ll need to follow specific rules to better their chances of survival.


The best grass seed for hot weather is Tall Fescues. This type of grass loves the sun, is drought-tolerant and has strong root systems. The best warm weather grass seed is Annual Ryegrass, also known as ‘nurse grass’, due to its ability to hold back weeds until other grasses can grow. It also germinates quickly.


If you’re looking for the best cold weather grass seed, you should try Canada Blue Grass, as it grows very well in cooler temperatures. It’s also low-maintenance, grows in poor soil and doesn’t mind partial sunlight. For all weather grass seed, consider Bermuda, as it’s wear-resistant and drought-tolerant.


To get more information about the conditions and temperature grass seed germinates, contact the grass seed experts at Van Beek’s Landscape Supply.